What is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder which affects mainly the lungs and/or pancreas.1 Currently, cystic fibrosis is known as the most common lethal inherited disease in the Caucasian population.2 People with CF suffer from progressive respiratory complaints along with recurrent airway infections, but also other organ systems are impaired, which leads to malabsorption and infertility. At the moment, the prognosis for CF-patients is poor, mainly due to damage of the respiratory tract by recurrent infection which induce enormous inflammation. Since airway infections play an important role in CF, it raised the question whether this pathology can be related to the newly discovered airway microbiome. This relationship between CF and the airway microbiome will be discussed in this blog. This post will cover everything you need to know about CF to prepare you for the rest of this blog. If you are already an expert on cystic fibrosis, you can sit back and see if you really know everything by scanning through the text below. Let’s start with an introductory video that shows clearly what the impact is of CF;

So, as mentioned above, CF is a genetic disorder which is inherited in a autosomal recessive way. (To refresh your memory about autosomal recessive inheritance, click here) In Caucasian people, around 1 in 20 is a carrier, and 1 in 2000-3000 is actually affected, which is significantly higher than in other ethnic backgrounds, such as Asians or Afro-Americans.1,3 

Clinical picture
In the image below, it is shown how symptoms could be manifested in a patient with CF.

Figure 1 Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis. Reference; Kliegman, Robert; Richard M Kliegman (2006) Nelson essentials of pediatrics, St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier Saunders.
As you can see, there are many different organs involved in CF, but mainly, it’s a disease of the lungs, intestines and reproductive system. The symptoms usually first displayed around 6 to 8 months of age and remain for a life time.1

There has been an enormous increase in life-expectancy in CF-patients, which has resulted in the fact that actually 80% of the patients born reach adulthood.1 However Life-expectancy in CF-patients is still poor; currently, it is around 40 years of age.12 The poor prognosis is mainly due to respiratory failure, which is a result from chronic damage that is induced by the hyperinflammatory response against infection.1,7,8

There are several genetic defects associated with cystic fibrosis; those mutations are in the gene on the long arm of chromosome 7 which codes for the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR). In total, there are more than 2000 mutations described in  CFTR.4 However, only 242 are known to be causing CF.5  

Why do these mutations cause disease?
The common pathway that is affected in CF, is either low expression of this protein or dysfunction of  CFTR, which is responsible for chloride and bicarbonate transport in different organs. In the lungs, CFTR is important for secretion of chloride and bicarbonate, while in the skin, it is important for resorption. For example, in the lungs, when there is dysfunctionality of CFTR, the chloride can’t be secreted. Consequently, sodium won’t be excreted because of electric balance and this will result in less secretion of water due to osmosis. Eventually, this will result into sticky mucus in the lungs.6

Figure 2 CFTR function and dysfunction. Author unknown

There is a certain classification of mutations based on the quantity, activity and stability of CFTR. For example, class I mutations have no CFTR protein synthesis at all, while class IV mutations result in an impairment of CFTR conductance.  

Figure 3 Classes of mutations in CF. Reference: Quintana-Callego E et al. CFTR protein repair therapy in cystic fibrosis. Available from: http://www.archbronconeumol.org/en/cftr-protein-repair-therapy-in/articulo/S1579212914000731/)

Symptomatic disease can be explained by different mechanisms. First of all, due to the sticky mucus, the mucociliary capacity of the epithelium is impaired. Consequently, certain bacteria, like Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, can colonize the lung more easily.8 Moreover, it has been shown that the innate immune system is not working well. The innate immune system normally consist of antimicrobial peptides (AMP’s), complement and myeloid cells that provide a first line of protection of the lungs against colonization with pathogens.9
In CF-patients, the immune system is altered on different levels; it has been shown that there is a hyperinflammatory response without sufficient clearance of the pathogen. This is called the cystic fibrosis hyperinflammatory controversy. Some studies have shown that the lack of CFTR results in upregulation of NFκβ-mediated signalling, which is pro-inflammatory and leads to production of IL-8.10 Below, the signalling and function of NFκβ-mediated signalling is depicted

Figure 4 NFκβ-mediated signalling. Author unknown

There are various defects described in the innate immune system of CF-patients, which may explain the defective clearance of pathogens in the lungs. One possible explanation is the dysfunction of AMP’s. AMPs are peptides produced by different cell types, such as airway epithelial cells, after a pathogen is recognized by Toll-like receptors on the surface of these cells.8,9 The functions of AMP’s are described below; they can both activate the innate immune system by binding TLR’s in their turn and directly kill pathogens by pore-forming.

Figure 5 Function of epithelial AMP’s. They have a central role in shaping the innate immune response. The resistance mechanisms are ways how the bacteria could actually evade the AMP’s Reference: Duplantier et al. 2013 Frontiers in Immunology 4(143): 1-14.  Available from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2013.00143/full#B55

In cystic fibrosis, AMP’s are less functional by structural conformations due to high acidity of the mucus, which leads to defective clearance of bacteria.6,7 Another reason for defective clearance is the a decrease in nitric oxide (NO) due to less transcription of the NOS-2 protein, which normally induces NO in response to inflammation. Decreased NO-levels are unfavourable, because NO usually prevents binding of P. Aeruginosa to the airway epithelium.11

Additionally, the mucus has a higher concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), that have not only a damaging effect on the airway, but also promotes inflammation and inhibits CFTR production.12 It actually makes the problem even bigger. In the Figure 4, it is shown that ROS can be pro-inflammatory through NFκβ-mediated signalling.

Last of all, neutrophils and macrophages are also dysfunctional. For example, macrophages are less able to kill phagocytosed pathogens,15,16. Neutrophils undergo actually normal maturation and production of for example IL-8, but still seem to be deficient in killing pathogens, resulting in more dead neutrophils.8 With a lot of debris due to the deade neutrophils, it is easier for certain bacteria to colonize. For example, P. Aeruginosa is able to use this debris to make biofilm (read more about biofilm), which is a protection layer in which bacteria can remain dormant.13 This makes it a lot more difficult to kill these bacteria. In CF, neutrophils are also producing more “NET’s (Neutrophil extracellular traps), that are known to be pro-inflammatory and obstructive.14

We can conclude that the innate immune system is altered, which leads to hyperinflammation in lung tissue causing damage in the proces.17 This leads to colonization of different pathogens and therefore shapes the microbiome of the lung. Another blogpost focuses on the lung microbiome in general and in more specifically CF-patients. 

At last, I would like to touch upon the treatment modalities in CF. At the moment, there are a few cornerstones in treatment of CF, which are mainly based on tackling symptoms and prevent complications. Certain aspects of this treatment will be explained in further blogposts, such as lung transplantation in end-stage CF and the use of antibiotics in prevention and treatment of the recurrent infections in CF. But there are also other modalities like improvement of airway clearance and more innovative therapies that are tackling CFTR such as gene therapy18,19 and biologicals that improve either the function of CFTR20, or the expression of CFTR.18  

Momentarily, new approaches are being researched, which tackle the hyperinflammatory response that I described above. For example, we can try to block the the NFκB-signalling, which leads to less production of IL-8 and less inflammation.8 Another treatment option is increasing the number of anti-oxidants, which will neutralize the reactive oxygen species, which will also lead to a decrease in inflammation. Last of all, we can use antagonists for the CXCR-1 and CXCR-2 receptors, which are receptors important in perpetuation of the immune response and induction of NETosis, respectively.8 Tackling these features will break the inflammatory circle, resulting in less airway damage and therefore less possibilities for pathogens to thrive.

In conclusion, cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease with an enormous burden of disease and consequences for patients. The most important thing to understand about this post, is the fact that the altered immune response in CF can lead to colonization of different pathogens, which can cause inflammation and damage as a consequence. This is an important feature  in order to understand why the airway microbiome is actually different in CF.

For a recap, you can watch the video below

Written by Jens Krol

Last update (16/10/2017)

1. Sharma GD (Medscape). Cystic Fibrosis. Last update 31/07/2017. Consulted at 14/10/2017. Available from: https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1001602-ovn erview#a1
2. World Health Organization. Genes and human disease. Last update unknown. Consulted at 14/10/2017. Available from: http://www.who.int/genomics/public/geneticdiseases/en/index2.html#CF
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