
Hello fellow traveller, welcome to the unknown. If you have stumbled upon our weblog you must be truly wanting to expand your horizon. In writing this blog we have truly sought out the boundries of science and published research. Have you ever thought about what lived in your lungs? I'm sure you've heard plenty about "good bacteria" in your gut and know that we need them to stay healthy. But how about the lungs? Weren't they just supposed to be clean and sterile, except maybe some tar from cigarette smoke for the smokers among us? Okay, as you might have guessed: they're not. Researchers themselves took their sweet time to stumble upon this information. Which also explains why there is still so little research about the lung microbiome. In this blog we took a dive in the lung microbiome of cystic fybrosis patients and hope to thereby illustrate the importance of this relatively new field of science.

Compared to healthy lungs relatively a lot is known about the cystic fibrosis lung microbiome. So for us this was the perfect place to start! If you need your memory refreshed or you want some more extensive information on CF read the post written by Jens. In this post, the role of the immune system in CF is also described in relation to the shaping of the lung microbiome in CF-patients. To understand the rest of this blog we then advise you to continue to Tristan's post who will give you the run down on what the lung microbiome actually entails. Then click to Malak for a piece about the lung gut-axis, if you want to immerse yourself deeper in the world of the lung microbiome. She also has a very interesting piece about antibiotics and how they influence the organisms who took up residence in our lung. Toon took a critical look at two pieces of research being done in this field, so that we keep in touch with sense and nonsense in science. And for the more surgically enclined among us, or if you're just really getting in to this subject (which you afcourse are after reading our posts), you should read Elise's post which will teach you about lung transplantations and the involvement of the lung microbiome. We hope you will enjoy our blog as much as we've enjoyed making it. Safe travels!